This community has a Delco Water UltraFx process, which is both Ultrafiltration and Nano Membrane Filtration combined. This specific unit was designed to remove turbidity, colour and iron within a water temperature range of 0.5° to 25°.

Commissioned: January 2018

Location: Manitoba

System: UltraFx (Ultrafiltration and Nano-filtration) process

Permeate Flow Rate: 73 lps (75 GPM) UltraFiltration system – Dual Train (150 GPM total); 3.53 lps (56 GPM) chlorine tolerant Nanofiltration system – Dual Train (112 GPM total)

Flux: UF flux: 39.9 LMH (23.5 gfd); RO flux: 22.2 LMH (13.0 gfd)
